sensagent's content
Lettris is a curious tetris-clone game where all the bricks have the same square shape but different content. Each square carries a letter. To make squares disappear and save space for other squares you have to assemble English words (left, right, up, down) from the falling squares.
Boggle gives you 3 minutes to find as many words (3 letters or more) as you can in a grid of 16 letters. You can also try the grid of 16 letters. Letters must be adjacent and longer words score better. See if you can get into the grid Hall of Fame !
English dictionary
Main references
Most English definitions are provided by WordNet .
English thesaurus is mainly derived from The Integral Dictionary (TID).
English Encyclopedia is licensed by Wikipedia (GNU).
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Tips: browse the semantic fields (see From ideas to words) in two languages to learn more.
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dórico — dorique - relativo à toscana, toscano — toscan - açougue, matadouro — abattoir - acrópole, Acrópolis — Acropole - hangar — hangar - hall d'arrivée, salle des départs, terminal - imóvel, prédio — immeuble - apiário — rucher - édifice bancaire - cidadela — bastion, citadelle, forteresse - santuário — béthel - palafita — casemate - construção, prédio — construction, édifice - praça de touros — arène - rodoviária — station d'autobus - hospedaria para caravanas, hotel muito grande — caravansérail - caserne - cabana — chalet - câmara municipal, prefeitura — hôtel de ville, mairie - club - aprisco, curral, redil — parc - casa de campo — maison de campagne, propriété - estábulo — étable - datcha - corredor da morte — couloir de la mort - alojamento, dormitório, residência — cité universitaire, dortoir, foyer, résidence universitaire - quartel de bombeiros — caserne de pompiers - belvedere, mirante, terraço, varanda — pavillon d'été - silo, sótão — grange à blé, grange à grain, grenier - estufa — serre, serre chaude - pensão — chambre d'ami, pension de famille - salão da gloria — hall of fame, salle de célébrité, salle de gloire - ermida — ermitage - hogan-navajo - auberge, hôtel - geladeira — glacière - iglu — igloo, iglou - igreja — église - kremlin — kremlin - habitation lacustre, maison sur pilotis, palafitte - alpendre, hangar — appentis, auvent - depository library, library (en) - cabana feita de toros — cabane, cabane en rondins - manoir - almenara, minarete — minaret - ministério — ministère - mesquita — mosquée - ópera — opéra - anexo — bâtiment extérieur, dépendances - alpendre, anexo, dependência, depósito, telheiro — appentis, cabinet extérieur - pagode — pagode - casa paroquial, presbitério — cure, presbytère - Parthénon - local de culto — maison de Dieu - delegacia, delegacia policial, esquadra da polícia, polícia militar — commissariat, commissariat de police, poste de police - linteau - presbytère - bar, taberna — bar, bistro, bistrot, cabaret, débit de boissons, estaminet, pub - estação — gare - développement tentaculaire, village-rue - guarita de sinais, guarita de sinalização — poste d'aiguillage - silo - arranha-céus — gratte-ciel - sinagoga — jumelle, synagogue - torre — tour - câmara municipal — hôtel de ville, mairie - maison de vancances - bordel, lupanar, prostíbulo — bordel, maison close, maison de passe, maison de prostitution, maison de tolérance - tenda dos índios — wigwam - abbaye de Westminster[Domaine]