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acute (en) - apanhar, pegar - contaminar, infeccionar, infectar - astigmático - בְּצוּרָה עֲווִיתִית — convulsivamente - לְהַחֲלִיש — debilitar, enfraquecer - vesgo - specific (en) - אַסמָטִי — asmático - doente, doentio, enfermo, insalubre, mórbido, patológico - מְדַבֵּק, מִדַבֵּק, מִידַבֵּק — contagioso, infeccioso, transmissível - alérgico, supersensível - doente, enfermo - חִיווֵר, חָש לא טוֹב, חוֹלֶה, חוֹלֶה מְעָט, לֹא לְהַרגִיש טוֹב, לא בְקַו הַבְּרִיאות, לא מַרגִיש טוֹב, לא מַרגיש טוֹב — doente, doentio, esquisito, indisposto, mal de saúde, maldisposto, mal-disposto, pálido, patológico - feverish, feverous (en) - apoplético - atactic, ataxic (en) - קוֹדֵח — febril - hydrocephalic, hydrocephalous (en) - atheroma (en) - מַחֲלַת הַשִׁכחָה — amnésia - paramnesia (en) - אוטיזם — autismo - alcoolismo - cleptomania - monomania - necromania, necrophilia, necrophilism (en) - piromanía - trichotillomania (en) - eunuco - הרמפרודיט — hermafrodita - piromaníaco, pirómano - opium addict, opium taker (en) - psycho, psychotic, psychotic person (en) - roundhead (en) - עַשֶשֶׁת — cárie - enuresis, urinary incontinence (en) - neoplasia (en) - pathogenesis (en) - ptyalism (en) - pancytopenia (en) - immunosuppression (en) - acidose, acidosis - ancilose, anquilose - aneuploidy (en) - hypersomnia (en) - נְדוּדֵי-שֵׁינָה, עֵרָנוּת — insónia, vigilância - aplasia (en) - asystole, cardiac arrest, cardiopulmonary arrest, heart failure (en) - aboulia, abulia (en) - anhedonia (en) - diverticulosis (en) - desidratação - hypoxia (en) - hypercapnia, hypercarbia (en) - asfixia - altitude sickness (en) - anoxia (en) - hyperthermia, hyperthermy (en) - hipotermia - poriut, אִי-פּוֹרִיוּת, סְטֶרִילִיוּת, עָקַרוּת — esterilidade, infertilidade - eccyesis, ectopic gestation, ectopic pregnancy, extrauterine gestation, extrauterine pregnancy, metacyesis (en) - atresia (en) - חוֹלִי, מַחֲלָה, רַעַה — achaque, dano, dor, indisposição, mal, maldade, mau, problema - אֲנוֹרֶקסיָה — anorexia - ADD, ADHD, attention deficit disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, hyperkinetic syndrome, MBD, minimal brain damage, minimal brain dysfunction (en) - cardiovascular disease (en) - carpal tunnel syndrome (en) - hyperactivity (en) - anorexia nervosa (en) - חֹלִי — distúrbio, doença, enfermidade - הִתְמַכּרוּת — habituação - toxicomania - amyloidosis (en) - shock (en) - cardiac shock, cardiogenic shock (en) - intoxicação alimentar - botulismo - salmonellosis (en) - saturnismo - מחלה — doença - agranulocytosis, agranulosis, granulocytopenia (en) - blackwater (en) - endemic, endemic disease (en) - מָלַריָה, מלריה — malária - boutonneuse fever, Indian tick fever, Kenya fever, Marseilles fever (en) - doença periodontal - gengivite - הַתקַפָה — ataque - הֶתקֵף, שבץ — apoplexia, ataque, derrane cerebral - neurite - akinesia, akinesis (en) - מַחֲלָת הַנפִילָה — epilepsia - status epilepticus (en) - apraxia (en) - ataxia - cryptorchidism, cryptorchidy, cryptorchism (en) - dyskinesia (en) - tardive dyskinesia (en) - esclerose múltipla - Doença de Parkinson - cerebral palsy, spastic paralysis (en) - Saint Vitus dance, St. Vitus dance, Sydenham's chorea (en) - tarantism (en) - amblyopia, lazy eye (en) - aphakia (en) - afasia - דִיסלֶקצִיָה — dislexia - agnosia (en) - pulmonary embolism (en) - trombose - cardiopatia - pressão alta - hypotension, low blood pressure (en) - ALS, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Lou Gehrig's disease (en) - aneurisma - estenose - cerebral aneurysm (en) - angina - arteriosclerose - atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease (en) - athetosis (en) - ascites (en) - esclerose - arritmia - cardiomyopathy, myocardiopathy (en) - דוֹם לֵב — paragem cardíaca - הֶתקֵף לֵב, התקף לב — ataque cardíaco, enfarte agudo do miocárdio, infarto agudo do miocárdio - MI, myocardial infarct, myocardial infarction (en) - kidney disease, nephropathy, nephrosis, renal disorder (en) - nefrite - acute kidney failure, acute renal failure (en) - glomerulonephritis (en) - cirrose - adenopathy (en) - Cushing's syndrome, hyperadrenocorticism (en) - סַכֶּרֶת, סוכרת — diabete, diabetes - diabetes mellitus, DM (en) - diabetes insipidus (en) - hyperthyroidism, thyrotoxicosis (en) - hypothyroidism (en) - myxedema, myxoedema (en) - cretinismo - achondroplasia, achondroplasty, chondrodystrophy, osteosclerosis congenita (en) - הִדַבּקוּת — contágio - שַׁפַּעַת — gripe - חַצֶבֶת — sarampo - אֲדַמדֶמֶת — rubéola - דִיפתֶריָה — difteria - שָׁנִית — escarlatina - אַבַּעֲבּוּעוֹת — varíola - tinha - pé-de-atleta - עִיווָרוֹן, עיוורון — cegueira - איידס — Síndrome da imunodeficiência adquirida - כּוֹלֵירָה — cólera - dengue - דִיזנטֶרִיָה — disenteria - hepatite - herpes labial - שָלבֶקֶת חוֹגֶרֶת — zona - אֲבַּעֲבּוּעוֹת רוּח, אבעבועות רוח — varicela - doença venérea - gonorréia - lues, lues venerea, pox, syph, syphilis (en) - locomotor ataxia, tabes dorsalis (en) - mononucleose, mononucleose infecciosa - צָרַעַת, צרעת — lepra - NEC, necrotizing enterocolitis (en) - דַלֶקֶת קְרוּם הַמוֹחַ — meningite - חֲזֶרֶת — caxumba, papeira, papeiras - מַגֵיפָה - peste bubônica, Peste Negra - Black Death, Black Plague (en) - פוֹליוֹ — polio, pólio - טִיפוּס הַבֶּהָרוֹת — tifo - American spotted fever, Bullis fever, lone star fever, mountain fever, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, tick fever (en) - Q fever (en) - scrub typhus, tsutsugamushi disease (en) - febre reumática - escrófula, escrofulose - febre tifoide, febre tifóide - שַעֶלֶת — tosse convulsa - framboesia, piã - febre amarela - doença respiratória - הִצטָנֵנוּת, הִתקָרֵרוּת - אַסטְמָה, קַצֶרֶת — asma - bronchiolitis (en) - chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (en) - cryptococcosis (en) - enfisema - דַלֶקֶת רֵיאוֹת — pneumonia - interstitial plasma cell pneumonia, pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, pneumocystis pneumonia, pneumocytosis (en) - pneumoconiosis, pneumonoconiosis (en) - asbestosis (en) - silicose - congenital disease, genetic abnormality, genetic defect, genetic disease, genetic disorder, hereditary condition, hereditary disease, inherited disease, inherited disorder (en) - albinism (en) - anencephalia, anencephaly (en) - daltonismo - daltonismo - CF, cystic fibrosis, fibrocystic disease of the pancreas, mucoviscidosis, pancreatic fibrosis (en) - Gaucher's disease (en) - Huntington's chorea, Huntington's disease (en) - malignant hyperthermia (en) - mongolismo, síndrome de Down - branched chain ketoaciduria, maple syrup urine disease (en) - distrofia muscular - atrophic myotonia, Batten's disease, Batten-Steinert syndrome, Curschmann-Batten-Steinert syndrome, Curschmann-Steinert syndrome, myotonia atrophica, myotonic dystrophy, myotonic muscular dystrophy, Steinert's disease (en) - aplastic anaemia, aplastic anemia (en) - clorose - crescent-cell anaemia, crescent-cell anemia, drepanocytic anaemia, drepanocytic anemia, Dresbach's anemia, Herrick's anemia, sickle-cell anaemia, sickle-cell anemia, sickle-cell disease, sicklemia (en) - infantile amaurotic idiocy, Sachs disease, Tay-Sachs, Tay-Sachs disease (en) - hemofilia - gastroenteritis, gastro-enteritis, intestinal flu, stomach flu (en) - pelvic inflammatory disease, PID (en) - pleurisia, pleurite - angina, angine, dor de garganta - peritonsillar abscess, quinsy (en) - amebiasis, amebiosis, amoebiasis, amoebiosis (en) - fungal infection, mycosis (en) - haemorrhagic fever, hemorrhagic fever, VHF, viral haemorrhagic fever, viral hemorrhagic fever (en) - kala azar, leishmaniasis, leishmaniosis (en) - opportunistic infection (en) - גרדת, מַחֲלַת צְמָחִים — sarna - bilharzia, bilharziasis, schistosomiasis (en) - sepsia, septicemia - Assam fever, dumdum fever, kala-azar, visceral leishmaniasis (en) - candidiasis, monilia disease, moniliasis (en) - ferida, pústula - frieira - hordéolo, terçol - דָלֶקֶת מִפְרָקִים — artrite - reumatismo - psoriatic arthritis (en) - arthrosis, degenerative arthritis, degenerative joint disease, DJD, hypertrophic arthritis, noninflammatory arthritis, osteoarthritis, osteo-arthritis, osteo-arthrosis, senescent arthritis (en) - cistite - gota, pingo - blood disease, blood disorder (en) - הַרעָלַת דָם — intoxicação, septicemia - doença convulsiva, eclampsia - preeclampsia, pre-eclampsia (en) - hypovolaemia, hypovolemia (en) - Mediterranean anaemia, Mediterranean anemia, thalassaemia, thalassemia (en) - leucopenia, leukopenia (en) - neutropenia (en) - polycythemia (en) - peliosis, purpura, purpure (en) - trombocitopenia - avitaminosis, hypovitaminosis, vitamin deficiency (en) - beribéri - bócio - תַּת-תְּזוּנָה — desnutrição - pelagra - raquitismo - chalazion, Meibomian cyst (en) - enjôo - מַחֲלָת יָם — enjoo - adenomyohyperplasia, adenomyometritis, adenomyosis, adenomyosis uteri, endometriosis, endometriosis interna, endometriosis uterina, stromal adenomyosis, uterine adenomyosis (en) - infarct, infarction (en) - fibrosis (en) - myelofibrosis (en) - osteomalacia (en) - osteoporosis (en) - uremia - lesion (en) - כִּיב — úlcera - bedsore, decubitus ulcer, pressure sore (en) - cancróide - peptic ulcer, peptic ulceration (en) - chestnut-bark disease, chestnut blight, chestnut canker (en) - fire blight, pear blight (en) - pappataci fever, phlebotomus, sandfly fever (en) - disease of the skin, skin disease, skin disorder (en) - LE, lupus erythematosus (en) - acanthosis nigricans, keratosis nigricans (en) - פִּצְעֵי בָּגְרוּת — acne, acneia - acne rosacea, rosacea (en) - acne vulgaris (en) - atopic dermatitis, atopic eczema (en) - אֶקזֶמָה — eczema - impetigo - jungle rot (en) - lúpus - melanism, melanosis (en) - pênfigo - psoríase - erisipela - vitiligo (en) - Kaposi's sarcoma (en) - osteogenic sarcoma, osteosarcoma (en) - lymphoma (en) - גִדוּל מַמאִיר — câncer, carcinoma - לוּיקמיָה, סַרטַן הַדָם - acute lymphoblastic leukemia, acute lymphocytic leukemia (en) - chronic lymphocytic leukemia (en) - sarcoma - adenocarcinoma, glandular cancer, glandular carcinoma (en) - câncer de mama - lung cancer (en) - mesothelioma (en) - pancreatic cancer (en) - seminoma, testicular cancer (en) - câncer de pele - malignant melanoma, melanoma (en) - glaucoma - tracoma - adenitis (en) - דַלֶקֶת הַתוֹסֶפתָן — apendicite - arteritis (en) - animal disease (en) - balanitis (en) - blepharitis (en) - bursitis (en) - varíola bovina - hemorrhagic septicemia, pasteurellosis (en) - foot-and-mouth disease, hoof-and-mouth disease (en) - glanders (en) - Lyme arthritis, Lyme disease (en) - albuminuria, proteinuria (en) - כַּלֶּבֶת, כַּלֶבֶת, כלבת — furor, raiva - peste bovina - leptospirosis, swamp fever (en) - mange (en) - moon blindness, mooneye (en) - myxomatosis (en) - Newcastle disease (en) - deer fly fever, Francis' disease, Ohara's disease, rabbit fever, tularaemia, tularemia, yatobyo (en) - zoonosis, zoonotic disease (en) - plant disease (en) - Dutch elm disease (en) - yellow dwarf (en) - סִימפּטוֹם, תַסמִין - Klinefelter's syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome, XXY-syndrome (en) - effect (en) - doença do sono - filariasis (en) - birth defect, congenital abnormality, congenital anomaly, congenital defect, congenital disorder (en) - hydrocephalus, hydrocephaly (en) - amelia (en) - phocomelia, seal limbs (en) - atrial septal defect (en) - ventricular septal defect (en) - blue baby syndrome, cardiac cyanosis, Fallot's syndrome, Fallot's tetrad, Fallot's tetralogy, morbus caeruleus, morbus ceruleus, tetralogy of Fallot (en) - rachischisis, schistorrhachis, spina bifida (en) - atelectasis (en) - arrested development, fixation, infantile fixation, regression (en) - cyclopia (en) - humpback, hunchback, kyphosis (en) - hollow-back, lordosis (en) - scoliosis (en) - gynecomastia (en) - dwarfism, nanism (en) - porphyria (en) - microcefalia - ergotismo - atopic allergy, atopic disease, atopy, hereditary allergy, immediate allergy, type I allergic reaction (en) - אָלֶרגיָה — alergia, alergia. - anaphylaxis (en) - hypersensitivity (en) - קַדַחַת הַשַתַת — febre de feno, febre dos fenos, polenose - מִגבָּלָה, נָכוּת — diminuição, incapacidade, invalidez - abasia (en) - פִּיסחוּת — defeito - hearing disorder, hearing impairment (en) - חֵירשוּת, חירשות — surdez - asonia, receptive amusia, sensory amusia, tin ear, tone deafness (en) - anosmia - vision defect, visual defect, visual disorder, visual impairment (en) - קוֹצֶר רְאִייָה — miopia - צְפִייָה לְמֵרָחוֹק, רְאִייָה רְחוֹקָה — ao longe visão, presbitia - cegueira noturna - farsightedness, presbyopia (en) - לִפזוֹל — estrabismo - torcicolo - שִׁיתוּק — paralisia - ptosis (en) - paraplegia - hemiplegia, unilateral paralysis (en) - quadriplegia (en) - genu valgum, knock-knee, tibia valga (en) - sarcoidosis (en) - dermatosclerosis, scleroderma (en) - urinary infection, urinary tract infection (en) - pyelonephritis (en) - urethritis (en) - sodoku, spirillum fever (en) - steatorrhea (en) - '''tinnitus''', acúfeno, tinido, zumbido, zunido nos ouvidos - באשת — halitose[Domaine]