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Lettris is a curious tetris-clone game where all the bricks have the same square shape but different content. Each square carries a letter. To make squares disappear and save space for other squares you have to assemble English words (left, right, up, down) from the falling squares.
Boggle gives you 3 minutes to find as many words (3 letters or more) as you can in a grid of 16 letters. You can also try the grid of 16 letters. Letters must be adjacent and longer words score better. See if you can get into the grid Hall of Fame !
English dictionary
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sport; sports — desporto[ClasseHyper.]
diversion, entertainment, recreation — diversão, passatempo, recreaçao, recreação, recreio[Hyper.]
be boisterous, cavort, disport, frisk, frolic, gambol, lark, lark about, rollick, romp, run around, skylark, sport — brincar, curvetear, fazer travessuras, garotar, saltar, traquinar - acrobatic, athletic, gymnastic — acrobático, atlético[Dérivé]
rock climbing - contact sport - field sport, outdoor sport - gym, gymnastic exercise, gymnastics — Ginastica, Ginástica - track and field — atletismo - ski, skiing — Esqui - aquatics, water sport — esportes aquáticos - row, rowing — ato de remar, esporte do remo, remadela, remadura, remo - archery, bow — arco-e-flecha, jogo do arco, tiro com arco - sledding - ice-skating, skating — patinação - race, racing, run, running — ação de correr, aceleração, carreira, corrida, corrida de cavalos, Esportes de corrida - equitation, horseback riding, riding — equitação, hipismo - circling, cycling — Ciclismo - blood sport — Desporto sangrento, Desportos sangrentos - athletic game, athletics, track and field events — atletismo, esporte - judo — judo - spectator sport - team sport — Desportos colectivos - running, track — carreira - jumping - boxing, fisticuffs, pugilism — boxe, pugilismo - funambulism, tightrope walking — Funambulismo[Spéc.]
athletic, sporting, sportive, sporty — desportista, desportivo, esportivo[Rel.Pr.]
sporting, sports, sporty — desportivo, do desporto - athletic — atlético - be boisterous, cavort, disport, frisk, frolic, gambol, lark, lark about, rollick, romp, run around, skylark, sport — brincar, curvetear, fazer travessuras, garotar, saltar, traquinar[Dérivé]
in play - out of play - man-to-man, one-on-one — de homem para homem - loose - legal - disqualified - home — em casa - away - most-valuable - ineligible — inelegível - defending - onside - offside, offsides - underarm, underhand, underhanded - overarm, overhand, overhanded — acima do ombro - upfield - downfield - downfield - at home — em casa - wipeout - flip, pass, toss — lance, passe - daisy cutter - call - birling, logrolling - shot, stroke — chute, golpe, jogada, raquetada, remada, tiro - position - foul — falta - personal foul - possession — Posse - save — defesa - press box — cabine de imprensa, tribuna de imprensa - tuck - game plan - won-lost record - effect, English, side — efeito, letra - series - event, trial — prova - defence, defence team, defending team, defense - bench warmer - coach, handler, instructor, instructress, manager, trainer — instrutor, técnico, Treinador, Treinadores - free agent - ironman, iron man - ref, referee — Arbitro, árbitro, Árbitros, juiz - scout, talent scout — caçador de talentos, descobridor de talentos - shooter - timekeeper, timer - free agency - full time, full-time, full-time worker, regulation time - sudden death — Morte subita, Morte súbita - bout, round, turn — jogo, recuperação, retomada - surge - seed — decrépito, escalado - outclass — exceder, ultrapassar - call - curl - start - field — interceptar a bola - shoot — atirar - arbitrate, ref, referee, ump, umpire — arbitrar - drop - down - bandy - double-team - submarine - boot, kick — dar um puntapé - punt - follow through - kill - kill - racket - carry, dribble — driblar - cut - box — boxar, boxear - spar — praticar boxe, treinar boxe - spar - prizefight - shadowbox - tramp — andar, caminhar - hike, walk — caminhar, fazer caminhadas, passear - mountaineer — praticar montanhismo, subir - abseil, rappel, rope down - backpack, pack - run - jog — fazer joguing - ice-skate, skate — patinar - spread-eagle - ice skate - figure skate - roller skate, roller-skate — andar de patins, patinar - skateboard - speed skate - ski — esquiar - schuss - sled, sledge, sleigh - bob, bobsled, bobsleigh - luge, toboggan — andar de tobogã - water ski, water-ski — esqui aquático fazer, praticar esqui aquático - scull — remar - canoe — navegar - kayak - paddle — chapinhar, patejar - surf, surfboard — deslizar, surfar - windsurf — fazer windsurf - skin-dive, snorkel — mergulhar - jackknife - snorkel - ski jump - hurdle — correr barreiras - ride the bench, warm the bench - run - sit out — aguentar firme - drive — bater - Rollerblade - offside - deficit - lead - average[Domaine]
athletics (n.) • desporto (n.m.) • esporte (n.) • sport (n.) • sports (n.)