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Lettris is a curious tetris-clone game where all the bricks have the same square shape but different content. Each square carries a letter. To make squares disappear and save space for other squares you have to assemble English words (left, right, up, down) from the falling squares.


Boggle gives you 3 minutes to find as many words (3 letters or more) as you can in a grid of 16 letters. You can also try the grid of 16 letters. Letters must be adjacent and longer words score better. See if you can get into the grid Hall of Fame !

English dictionary
Main references

Most English definitions are provided by WordNet .
English thesaurus is mainly derived from The Integral Dictionary (TID).
English Encyclopedia is licensed by Wikipedia (GNU).


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analogical dictionary

あんよ, お拾, お拾い, 徒路, 御拾, 御拾い, 歩, 歩き, 歩み, 歩行, 歩路, 玉歩, 繰出, 繰出し, 行歩, 道のりandada, caminhada - しゅうこう, せかいいっしゅう, 世界一周, 周航Circumnavegação, circum-navegação - peregrinação - ふなたび, 交差点, 横断, 船旅 - 運転condução - horseback riding, riding (en) - そらのたび, 空の旅, 飛行aviação - えんろ, たび, たびじ, どうちゅう, どうてい, みちのり, ジャーニー, 旅, 旅行, 旅路, 道中, 道程, 遠路jornada, viagem, viajar - 区間, 1行程etapa, parada - staging (en) - つちゅう, とちゅう, どさまわり, どさ回り, ツアー中, 巡業中, 途中, 遠征中 - 遠足comezaina, festança - seafaring, water travel (en) - かよい, 通い, 通勤migrações diárias - 横断 - あしまかせ, えんえん, しょうよう, ばっしょう, ひょうはく, ふゆう, ふろう, ほうこう, ほうろう, まんぜん, りゅうぼう, るろう, ろうろう, 倡佯, 彷徨, 放浪, 歩き, 流亡, 流浪, 浪々, 浪浪, 浮浪, 浮遊, 漂泊, 漫然, 蜿蜒, 足任せ, 跋渉vagabundagem, vagear - wayfaring (en)[Spéc.]

旅, 旅+する, 旅する, 旅行, 旅行+する, 旅行する, 移動する, 航海するandar, viajar - andar, ir, viajar - andar, ir, viajar[Dérivé]

ato de viajar (n.) • travessia (n.) • viagem (n.) • viagens  • 旅行 (n.) • 移動 (n.)
