sensagent's content
Lettris is a curious tetris-clone game where all the bricks have the same square shape but different content. Each square carries a letter. To make squares disappear and save space for other squares you have to assemble English words (left, right, up, down) from the falling squares.
Boggle gives you 3 minutes to find as many words (3 letters or more) as you can in a grid of 16 letters. You can also try the grid of 16 letters. Letters must be adjacent and longer words score better. See if you can get into the grid Hall of Fame !
English dictionary
Main references
Most English definitions are provided by WordNet .
English thesaurus is mainly derived from The Integral Dictionary (TID).
English Encyclopedia is licensed by Wikipedia (GNU).
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céder par aliénation (fr)[Classe]
donner ou vendre qqch qu'on utilise plus (fr)[Classe]
препродавам; препродам — revender[Classe]
offload (en) - sell door-to-door (en) - ликвидирам, разпродавам — liquidar - извърша тотална разпродажба, извършвам тотална разпродажба, ликвидирам, разпродавам, разпродавам имущество — vender, vender tudo - пласирам, продавам, продам — colocar no mercado, por à venda - scrap (en) - take one's money out of (en) - fiddle (en) - sell privately (en) - sell by auction (en) - sell with a right of reemption (en) - debit, sell (en) - maquignonner (fr) - използвам за търговски цели — comercializar - exportar - закривам, изплатя, изплащам, ликвидирам, оттървавам се, уредя, уреждам — liquidar - реализирам — realizar - monnayer (fr) - move (en) - sell at cost price, sell cut-price (en) - продавам на загуба, продам на загуба - vendre à l'amiable (fr) - sell at a profit (en) - sell for cash (en) - vendre par licitation (fr) - sell by order of the court (en) - vendre à la criée (fr) - sell on credit, sell on deferred payment terms (en) - vendre à tempérament (fr) - vendre à terme (fr) - vendre à réméré (fr) - продавам на едро, продам на едро - sell as a whole (en) - продавам на дребно, продам на дребно — a retalho vender - изигравам ометрена карта, обръщам в пари — trocar por dinheiro - оттегля инвестициите си, оттеглям инвестициите си - mévendre (fr) - reporter (fr) - shorter, vader, vendre à découvert (fr)[Spéc.]